Ben Chapman Music consists of myself Ben Chapman. I am a self taught drummer and have been playing the drums for 26 years. In 1995 I began studying at the Whitireia Polytechnic Rock & Commercial Music Programme where I took lessons with the great Roger Sellers, learnt how to read music, met and played with a lot of great musicians. A lot of whom have become lifelong friends

It was while at music school I began to get interested in teaching. Watching how my drum tutor worked with myself and the other drummers on the course made me think maybe I'd like do this. So I started asking my tutor a lot of questions and made some plans. When my 3 years of schooling finished I started taking on students and taught for the next 4 years. On top of that I've been a working drummer for many years playing shows all over New Zealand and Australia.

In the early 2000's I briefly took a break from teaching and moved to Hamilton to play for a band that was doing well. Daisy Chain Halo recorded an EP, won several competitions including the Lion Red battle of the Bands in 2001. That win gave us the opportunity to go to Australia and play shows that were well received.

In 2002 I returned to Wellington and wanted to learn something new so I went back to school and studied graphic and web design while also teaching a few students. Then fast forward few years and I was called up by an old school friend Daniel Rodda and asked to fill in on short notice for his band Monkey Puzzle. The short term fill in turned into a full time gig for the next few years playing all over the country.

That band morphed into Faster She Said, an originals band that won the 2007 World Battle of the Bands competiton. We had our music released on radio and television, recorded 2 E.P.s.Gigs of note include playing at the Summerfest Wellington Soundshell season and playing at the Rugby 7's closing concert in 2008. Over the last 6 years I've played with numerous covers and originals bands, the main ones have been covers band Libido FM, occasionally The Ratbags and originals band Bikini Roulette the latter wrote, recorded and released a full length album called Erotik Fiction.

During this whole time I've also dabbled in recording at home. I've amassed a lot of recordings co-written by my good friend and killer guitarist Adrian Win. I continue to record demos at home and offer drum tracking for various musical projects.

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